
call to national fixed network


call to national fixed network

Mon - Fri 09:00-18:00



Car Insurance

Car insurance is an insurance that protects vehicle owners in case of accidents, theft or damage caused to third parties. This insurance provides financial coverage and assistance in various situations related to the use of the vehicle.

Car insurance is essential to protect the investment made in the purchase of the vehicle and to ensure the owner's peace of mind in unforeseen situations.

We want you to feel safe on every journey you make, you can always count on the assistance service for the vehicle, people and their luggage, 24 h / day, 7 days a week.

As a compulsory insurance, Motor Third Party Liability guarantees damages and losses caused to third parties as a result of a road accident. However, through complementary coverages you can also safeguard damage to your own vehicle.

The absence of insurance is punishable by law and may result in a fine.

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